[Deferred consent for inclusion of patients unable to give their consent in studies in the field of emergency medicine].
Respect for individual autonomy, expressed in the concept of informed consent, is a basic principle in research with humans. Many patients in intensive care are unable to give consent because of mental incapacity, and this can be further complicated in emergency research, in which the treatment or experiment needs to be initiated without delay. In those situations consent can be deferred. Randomization is done without prior consent, followed by patients' or relatives' consent at a later stage. Butwhat should one do with the data if the patient dies at an early stage after randomization before consent could be obtained? Should the data be used or not? Should the relatives be asked for consent for using the data? The Dutch Central Committee on Research involving Human Subjects (CCMO) states that asking for consent after the patient has died makes no sense, because with the death of the patient the research has ended. Relatives do not have the authority to give consent for the use of medical data after the patient has died. Data can be used anonymously in the final analysis of the trial. We propose a flowchart for this procedure.