OSI Group Communication Support for a date planning application
Group Communication describes a type of communication between human beings that takes place within a group. Group Communication, as a topic, encompasses several application areas such as conferencing or various office procedures. The work of standadiziog a Computer Confereocing application and developing an underlying Group communication Service (GCS) has been discussed in the literature [1]. ‘Ilda paper provides an overview of a specific Date Planning application which makes use of the Group Communication Service. Standardization of specific Group Communication applications such as Date Planning is a goal of this work. Date Planning is defined as a cooperative group activity in which people negotiate to obtain a joint date. ‘Ibe Date Planning fmwtionality is presented to pvide for the privacy of the participants’ indkidurd calendars and the capability for participants to coordinate dates across organiztttional domains. ‘l’beGroup Communication Service is described by a presentation of the Group Communication Service InformationModel and Abstract Servke Deftition. The various objects involved in Date Planning and the DP abstract service operations are specified. The paper presents the mapping of objects and operations from the Date Planning application onto the Group Communication Service.
[1] Steve Benford,et al. Developing International Standards for OSI Group Communication , 1992, ULPAA.