NFSP 2013: message from the chairs

Wireless mobile networks, smart phones and cloud computing are converging into the new, rapidly growing field of mobile cloud computing (MCC) enabling the availability of cloud computing services in a mobile ecosystem. Current cloud computing architecture, platforms and services need to evolve, by taking into consideration the specific features of mobile networks that are different from those of fixed IP networks, to better serve cloud applications operating over mobile wireless networks and on mobile devices. In the meanwhile, widely spread social networks are also getting into end user's mobile phones by offering more customized services with a particular aid of user's context information (e.g. location information), thus rendering the so called mobile social networks (MSNs). The massive information available on social networks provides good source for human-based computing or social computing. There is also a trend of utilizing cloud computing technologies to enable more efficient and cost-effective mobile social computing. The goal of this Workshop is to provide a venue to bring together researchers and practitioners in these two extremely active and rather related areas to highlight and systematically address the arising challenges.