Neurotoxicology : approaches and methods

ANIMAL MODELS: NEUROMORPHOLOGICAL and NEUROPATHOLOGICAL APPROACHS: Introductory Overview. Selected Histopathological and Histochemical Methods for Neurotoxicity Assessment. Neuroanatomical Techniques for Labeling Neurons and Their Utility in Neurotoxicology. Enzyme Histochemical Methods. Ultrastructural Methods for Neurotoxicology and Neuropathology. Quantitative Morphometry for Neurotoxicity Assessment. NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL APPROACHES and METHODS: Introductory Overview. Electrophysiological Analysis of Ion Channel Function. Electrophysiological Methods for Analysis of Effects of Neurotoxicants on Synaptic Transmission. Hippocampal Field Potentials: A Model System to Characterize Neurotoxicity. Electrophysiological Analysis of Complex Brain Systems: Sensory Evoked Potentials and Their Generators. NEUROBEHAVIORAL TOXICOLOGY: Introductory Overview. Behavioral Screening Tests: P, P, & F. Neurobehavioral Methods for the Evaluation of Sensory Functions. Motor Function and the Physical Properties of the Operant: Applications to Screening and Advanced Techniques. Approaches to Utilizing Aspects of Cognitive Function as Indicator of Neurotoxicity. Use of Drug Discrimination Learning in Behavioral Toxicology: Classification and Characterization of Toxins. Extrapolating Scientific Data from Animals to Humans in Behavioral Toxicology and Behavioral Pharmacology. Role of Dopaminergic and Glutametergic Neurotransmitter Systems in Lead-Induced Learning Impairments. Dopaminergic Bases of Polychlorinated Biphenyl-Induced Neurotoxicity. Bases of Excitatory Amino Acid System-Related Neurotoxicity. NEUROCHEMICAL and BIOMOLECULAR APPROACHES: Introductory Overview. Basic Biochemical Approaches in Neurotoxicity: Assessment of Neurotransmitters and Neuroreceptors. Biomolecular Approaches to Neurotoxic Hazard Assessment. Nucleic Acid Hybridization Techniques and Neurotoxicity Assessment. Application of the Technique of Brain Microdialysis in Determining the Mechanisms of Action of Neurotoxicants. Combined Electrical Resistance Method for Cell Volume Measurement and Continuous Perfusion for the Measurement of the Release of Endogenous Substances: An in VITRO Assay for Cytotoxicity. Selective Techniques Designed to Evaluate Neurotoxicity: Electron Probe X-Ray Microanalysis as a Tool for Discerning Mechanisms of Nerve Injury. Glutamate Receptor-Mediated Neurotoxicity. Assessment of Neurotoxicity Via Chemical Purturbation of Oxonal Transport. Disruption of Energy Metabolism and Mitochondrial Function. In VITRO MODELS: IN-VITRO Toxicology: Introductory Overview. Strategic Approaches to in VITRO Neurotoxicology. The Use of Serum-Free Aggregating Brain Cell Cultures in Neurotoxicology. Brain Slice Techniques in Neurotoxicology. Cell Suspension Techniques in Neurotoxicology. Central Nervous System Glial Cell Cultures for Neurotoxicological Investigations. Neurotoxicology Studies Utilizing Schwann Cell-Neuronal Interactions in VITRO. Organotypic Cultures of Mammalian Nerve Tissues: A Model System for Neurotoxicological Investigation. Human Neuronal Cell Lines and in VITRO Models. In VITRO Systems for the Investigation of Calcium Homeostasis and Calcium-Induced Cell Damage. In VITRO Electrophysiological Studies in Neurotoxicology. CLINICAL NEUROTOXICOLOGY: Clinical Neurotoxicology: An Introductory Overview. Basic Principles of Clinical Neurotoxicology. Clinical Neurotoxicology of Industrial and Agricultural Chemicals. Clincial Neurotoxicological Concerns on Drugs of Abuse. Clinical Neurotoxic Concerns on Antineoplastic Agents. Neurotoxins and Neurodegenerative Diseases. Clinical Approaches to Neurotoxicology: An Overview. The Recognition and Differentiation of Neurotoxic and Non-Neurotoxic Syndromes. Exposure Assessment in Clinical Neurotoxicology: Environmental Monitoring and Biologic Markers. Clinico-Neuropsychological Assessment Methods in Behavioral Neurotoxicology. Behavioral Neurophysiology: Quantitative Measures of Sensory Toxicity. Electrophysiological Investigations of Toxic Neuropathies. Evoked Potential Testing in Clinical Neurotoxicology. Neuroimaging in Neurotoxicology. RISK ASSESSMENT for NEUROTOXICITY: Neurotoxicology Risk Assessment: An Overview. Concepts on Quantitative Risk Assessment of Neurotoxicants. Quantitative Approaches to Risk Assessment in Neurotoxicology. Use of Biological Markers in the Quantitative Assessment of Neurotoxic Risk. Developmental Neurotoxicology Risk Assessment. Unique Dimensions of Neurotoxic Risk Assessment.