Low power ARM® Cortex™-M0 CPU and SRAM using Deeply Depleted Channel (DDC) transistors with Vdd scaling and body bias

An SoC with ARM® Cortex™-M0 CPU cores and SRAMs is implemented in both 65nm baseline and Deeply Depleted Channel™ (DDC) technologies. DDC technology demonstrates more than 50% active and static power reduction for the CPU cores at matched 350 MHz speed via VDD scaling and body biasing. Alternatively DDC technology demonstrates 35% speed increase at matched power. The results hold across process corners and temperature with appropriate body bias selection. DDC technology also increases SRAM static noise margin (SNM) reduces 8Mb VDDmin by 150 mV reduces SRAM active leakage by 50% while maintaining Iread and reduces SRAM retention leakage by 5x.