지불계수를 이용한 시험포장구간의 품질평가와 피로수명 분석

This research is performed to estimate quality of trial pavement for construction and analyze effect of fatigue life by using the pay factor. Specially, asphalt content which is difficult to control the pavement quality, is selected by pay adjustment standard factors and pay factor is calculated by asphalt content. This research is also analyzed to present relation of fatigue life according to asphalt content, to evaluate quality of the road pavement by calculating pay factor of sampling trial field mixture 2 times. This research confirms that it is different quality of road pavement according to pay factor changes. To analyze the fatigue life of pavement by using asphalt mixture for trial field. As a result, it is conformed that high pay factor could be high fatigue life of trial field. This means that pay factor using probability theory reflects road pavement fatigue life. Also, this study is included that beam fatigue test manufacturing specimen such as mixing type of plant which purvey asphalt mixture to trial field, compared with fatigue life of trial field. As a result, the fatigue life of specimen that is manufactured by mix type is higher than trial field specimen. This means that performance of road pavement can be reduced by gradation or other effects. Therefore, to exactly evaluate the quality of road pavement, pay factor should be calculated appling various pay adjustment standard factors such as gradation, air-void in U.S. states which is adopted pay adjustment.