Personal client smart banking service method using smart phone

The present invention discloses a personal smart banking service method allowing a personal client to perform an authentication procedure and use a personal smart banking service using a smartphone that the personal client possesses. The personal smart banking service method of the present invention includes the steps in which: an application for personal smart banking service is executed in a smartphone; a bank server connected to the smartphone through a mobile communication network performs authentication of a personal client using authentication verifying information for the personal smart banking service; and if it is determined that the personal client is the same person who uses the smartphone in the personal client authentication step, the bank server provides the personal smart banking service through the smartphone. [Reference numerals] (100) Smartphone; (200) Mobile communication network; (300) Woori bank server; (310) Authentication DB; (320) Account information DB; (AA,BB) NO; (CC) YES; (S10) Log on smart banking; (S20) Request for authentication information; (S30) Deliver the authentication information; (S40) Is recognized information appropriate?; (S41) Failure notification; (S50) Matched with personal information in the authentication DB?; (S51) Error notification; (S60) Deliver personal banking information; (S70) Request for execution of personal banking items; (S80) Deliver processes of the personal banking items; (S81) Store personal banking items processing results