Acylation stimulating protein (ASP), an adipocyte autocrine: new directions.

Acylation stimulating protein (ASP) is an adipocyte-derived protein which has potent anabolic effects on human adipose tissue for both glucose and free fatty acid (FFA) storage. Our hypothesis is that: (i) ASP is produced by adipocytes in specific response to stimuli that initiate efficient fat storage; (ii) ASP interacts with a specific adipocyte receptor triggering an intracellular signalling pathway which activates triglyceride synthesis and fat storage; and (iii) that absence (ASP knockout mouse) or excess (in normal or obese mice) of ASP will result in physiological changes of plasma fat clearance and adipose tissue metabolism. The present review focuses on advances in ASP within the last 2 years with particular emphasis on these three aspects of ASP.