Lateral Mixing in the Eddying Regime and a New Broad‐Ranging Formulation

We survey a number of issues associated with lateral dissipation in eddyresolving ocean models and present two effective techniques. The first is a specification of lateral viscosity that is closely related to that of Chassignet and Garraffo [2001], involving the combined application of biharmonic and Laplacian forms of viscosity. The specification can in principle be applied across a broad range of model resolution, although our testing was performed only at eddy-resolving scale where a relatively simple form suffices. The second is the implementation of the Lagrangian Averaged Navier Stokes (LANSα) alpha subgridscale turbulence scheme in a primitive equation ocean model, with our presentation here being largely a summary of the recent work of Hecht et al. [2008] and Petersen et al. [2008]. As an inherently non-dissipative turbulence parameterization, one can understand the higher levels of eddy variability with LANS-α as coming about through an increase in the effective Rossby radius of deformation.

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