물환경 관련 법정계획의 합리적 개선방안

Elevation of quality of life in Korea led to changes in demand and perception of safe and clean water, which has been materialized by 23 legally mandated waterplans and their implementation plans. This development caused overlapping and contradiction between various works of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the Ministry of Environment. The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems of legally mandated water plans and suggest rational ways to improve those plans. The main problem in legally mandated water plans is overlapping and contradiction among them, due to lack of cooperation between the two Ministries or even within a single Ministry. In addition, there are many cases that expansions of official’s work area led to uncontrolled proliferation of related plans and establishment of unimplementable plans. Also, through surveys targeting experts in the related fields, the author analyzed the current problems of legally mandated water plans, and the future direction for their improvement. Rational ways for improvement can be suggested as below: (1) Consolidation into the the basin water environmental management plan Consolidate plans with high degree of overlapping among the legally mandated plans in the water pollution section: the Water Environment Management Plan for Medium Influence Areas, the Total Maximum Daily Load Plan, the Sewage Plan of Drainage Areas and the Non-point Pollution Source Plan, etc. (2) Consolidation into the Basic Plan for Water Demand and Supply Consolidate the Water Recycling Plan, the Water Demand Management Plan and the Water System Maintenance Plan into the Basic Plan for Water Demand and Supply. (3) Consolidation into the Comprehensive Plan for Utilization of Water Resources in Drainage Areas Consolidate the Comprehensive Water Resources Plan of in Drainage Areas and the River Maintenance Plan into the Comprehensive Plan for Utilization of Water Resources in Drainage Areas.