Saving asthmatics.

Ruptured cerebral aneurysm and brawling Major P Lynch, MRCP ....... ........... 1793 Doctors and children's teeth Margaret A Curran, MRCPATH.......... 1794 Pressure on the tracheal mucosa from cuffed tubes S W Shapiro, MD; C J Barham, FFARCS, and others ........... ............... 1794 Thalidomide and the "Lancet" F J C Roe, FRCPATH ...... .............. 1794 Large-bowel polyps and colonoscopy G A D McPherson, FRCS .............. 1795 Diverticular disease in urban Kenyans Reverend H C Trowell, FRCP, and D P Burkitt, FRCPI, FRS .................... 1795 Maturity-onset diabetes R J Inglis, MB ........................ 1795 Absorption of enteric-coated prednisolone O N Fernando, FRCS, and J F Moorhead, FRCP; H F West, FRCP .................. 1795 The surviving twin J M Kerry Bluglass, MRCPSYCH, and others 1796 Cervical cytology G E Wachtel, FRCOG ....... ........... 1796 Blood transfusions and Jehovah's Witnesses F F Casale, FFARCS ....... ............. 1796 Medical reports and confidentiality R C King, FRCP ...... ................ 1796 Small hospitals and the nursing shortage R M Emrys-Roberts, MRCGP ............. 1796 A "specialty" for second-class doctors? M P Roseveare, MRCOG ................ 1797 New consultant contract J A Black, FRCP ........ .............. 1797 Review Body Report A B Shrank, FRCP; D F Hopkins, MD .... 1797 Community health councils, consultation, and planning Jean K B McCallum .................. 1798 Training posts and disillusioned registrars C Taylor, MRCOG ...................... 1798 Correction: Self-injection of veterinary oilemulsion vaccines (Stones) ............ 1798