Evaluation Of e-Service Quality, Perceived Value On Customer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty: A Study In Indonesia
Even though customer loyalty has been studied anywhere, there is lack of information to explain why online customers is reluctant to use online platform. This study observed e-Service quality effect toward customer loyalty and satisfaction. This study used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method with 5-items Likert rating. It consisted of chi-square, probability level, CMIN/df, CFI, RMSEA, TLI, GFI, AGFI as the indicator of model eligibility. Our study found that adequate information and informative sites will lead to customer satisfaction which representing e-Service quality in ecommerce website. A higher e-Service quality will impact to customer satisfaction to use frequently the ecommerce sites as their choice. In addition, e-Service quality impacted e-Commerce customer satisfaction and customer loyalty mediated by customer’s perceived value. Our study contributed to expand information for e-Commerce practitioner to implement e-Service quality to increase their customer loyalty. However, this study does not observe the product attributes or specific ecommerce type. Future research can propose such model especially for better and accurate recommendation.