Pyramid Global Context Network for Image Dehazing

Haze caused by atmospheric scattering and absorption would severely affect scene visibility of an image. Thus, image dehazing for haze removal has been widely studied in the literature. Within a hazy image, haze is not confined in a small local patch/position, while widely diffusing in a whole image. Under this circumstance, global context is a crucial factor in the success of dehazing, which was seldom investigated in existing dehazing algorithms. In the literature, the global context (GC) block has been designed to learn point-wise long-range dependencies of an image for global context modeling; however, patch-wise long-range dependencies were ignored. To image dehazing, patch-wise long-range dependencies should be highlighted to cooperate with patch-wise operations of image dehazing. In this paper, we first extend the point-wise GC into a Pyramid Global Context (PGC), which is a multi-scale GC, after undergoing the pyramid pooling. Thus, patch-wise long-range dependencies can be explored by the PGC. Then, the proposed PGC is plugged into a U-Net, getting an attentive U-Net. Further, the attentive U-Net is optimized by importing ResNet’s shortcut connection and dilated convolution. Thus, the finalized dehazing model can explore both long-range and patch-wise context dependencies for global context modeling, which is crucial for image dehazing. The extensive experiments on synthetic databases and real-world hazy images demonstrate the superiority of our model over other representative state-of-the-art models from both quantitative and qualitative comparisons.

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