Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from the PACMANUS, Northeast Pual and Vienna Woods hydrothermal fields, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea

[1]  J. Böhlke,et al.  Stable isotopes in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems: Interactions between fluids, minerals, and organisms , 2013 .

[2]  K. V. Damm Controls on the Chemistry and Temporal Variability of Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluids , 2013 .

[3]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Phase Equilibria in Subseafloor Hydrothermal Systems: a Review of the Role of Redox, Temperature, Ph and Dissolved Cl on the Chemistry of Hot Spring Fluids at Mid‐Ocean Ridges , 2013 .

[4]  J. Alt Subseafloor Processes in Mid‐Ocean Ridge Hydrothennal Systems , 2013 .

[5]  M. Lilley,et al.  Volatiles in submarine environments: Food for life , 2013 .

[6]  R. Stern,et al.  Origin of Back‐Arc Basin Magmas: Trace Element and Isotope Perspectives , 2013 .

[7]  U. Tsunogai,et al.  Unique Geochemistry of Submarine Hydrothermal Fluids from Arc-Back-Arc Settings of the Western Pacific , 2013 .

[8]  E. Ruellan,et al.  Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution of the Bismarck Sea, Papua New Guinea: Review and New Synthesis , 2013 .

[9]  Kaihui Yang,et al.  Magmatic Fluids as a Source of Metals in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems , 2013 .

[10]  W. Bach,et al.  Insights to magmatic–hydrothermal processes in the Manus back-arc basin as recorded by anhydrite , 2010 .

[11]  M. Tivey,et al.  Rare earth element abundances in hydrothermal fluids from the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea: Indicators of sub-seafloor hydrothermal processes in back-arc basins , 2010 .

[12]  Sung Hyun Park,et al.  Tracing the origin of subduction components beneath the South East rift in the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea , 2010 .

[13]  J. Seewald,et al.  The Mobility of Fluoride in Back-Arc Hydrothermal Systems , 2009 .

[14]  J. Peckmann,et al.  Geochemical constraints on the modes of carbonate precipitation in peridotites from the Logatchev Hydrothermal Vent Field and Gakkel Ridge , 2009 .

[15]  A. Aiuppa,et al.  Halogens in volcanic systems , 2009 .

[16]  P. Craddock Geochemical tracers of processes affecting the formation of seafloor hydrothermal fluids and deposits in the Manus back-arc basin , 2009 .

[17]  E. Baker,et al.  Chemistry of hydrothermal plumes above submarine volcanoes of the Mariana Arc , 2009 .

[18]  K. V. Damm,et al.  On the re-dissolution of subsurface hydrothermal deposits at 9°50'N East Pacific Rise: Implications from geochemical studies of high- and low-temperature fluids , 2008 .

[19]  Katherine A. Kelley,et al.  Hydrogen isotopes in Mariana arc melt inclusions: Implications for subduction dehydration and the deep-Earth water cycle , 2008 .

[20]  G. Massoth,et al.  Venting of a Separate CO2-Rich Gas Phase from Submarine Arc Volcanoes , 2008 .

[21]  J. Lupton,et al.  Variability in the microbial communities and hydrothermal fluid chemistry at the newly discovered Mariner hydrothermal field, southern Lau Basin , 2008 .

[22]  J. Lupton,et al.  Volatile Chemistry at Lau Basin Hydrothermal Sites: Basin-Wide Trends of Slab Carbonate Influence and Suggestions of Abiotic Methane Oxidation at the Mariner Vent Site , 2007 .

[23]  E. Baker,et al.  Venting of Acid-Sulfate Fluids in a High-Sulfidation Setting at NW Rota-1 Submarine Volcano on the Mariana Arc , 2007 .

[24]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Fluid Phase Separation Processes in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems , 2007 .

[25]  M. Levasseur,et al.  Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics , 2007 .

[26]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Trace element partitioning between vapor, brine and halite under extreme phase separation conditions , 2007 .

[27]  D. Miller,et al.  Leg 193 Synthesis: Anatomy of an Active Felsic-Hosted Hydrothermal System, Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea , 2007 .

[28]  G. Wei,et al.  Chlorine in submarine volcanic glasses from the eastern manus basin , 2007 .

[29]  M. Hannington,et al.  Textural and mineralogical changes associated with the incipient hydrothermal alteration of glassy dacite at the submarine PACMANUS hydrothermal system, eastern Manus Basin , 2007 .

[30]  J. Seewald,et al.  Abiotic synthesis of organic compounds in deep-sea hydrothermal environments. , 2007, Chemical reviews.

[31]  S. Simmons,et al.  Gold in Magmatic Hydrothermal Solutions and the Rapid Formation of a Giant Ore Deposit , 2006, Science.

[32]  E. Baker,et al.  Submarine venting of liquid carbon dioxide on a Mariana Arc volcano , 2006 .

[33]  Jorge L. Sarmiento,et al.  Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics , 2006 .

[34]  J. Charlou,et al.  Helium isotopic composition of hydrothermal fluids from the Manus back-arc Basin, Papua New Guinea , 2006 .

[35]  G. Massoth,et al.  Submarine volcanoes and high-temperature hydrothermal venting on the Tonga arc, southwest Pacific , 2006 .

[36]  K. V. Von Damm,et al.  Geochemical controls on hydrothermal fluids from the Kairei and Edmond Vent Fields, 23°–25°S, Central Indian Ridge , 2006 .

[37]  M. Martelli,et al.  New insights into magma dynamics during last two eruptions of Mount Etna as inferred by geochemical monitoring from 2002 to 2005 , 2006 .

[38]  S. Kim Juniper,et al.  Long-term eruptive activity at a submarine arc volcano , 2006, Nature.

[39]  H. Paulick,et al.  Phyllosilicate Alteration Mineral Assemblages in the Active Subsea-Floor Pacmanus Hydrothermal System, Papua New Guinea, ODP Leg 193 , 2006 .

[40]  J. Seewald,et al.  Geochemistry of low-molecular weight hydrocarbons in hydrothermal fluids from Middle Valley, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge , 2006 .

[41]  M. Lilley,et al.  The Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge hydrothermal system: Temporal stability and subseafloor complexity , 2005 .

[42]  Kaihui Yang,et al.  Vigorous Exsolution of Volatiles in the Magma Chamber beneath a Hydrothermal System on the Modern Sea Floor of the Eastern Manus Back-Arc Basin, Western Pacific: Evidence from Melt Inclusions , 2005 .

[43]  E. Baker,et al.  Evolution of a Submarine Magmatic-Hydrothermal System: Brothers Volcano, Southern Kermadec Arc, New Zealand , 2005 .

[44]  K. Zaw,et al.  Contribution of Magmatic Fluid to the Active Hydrothermal System in the JADE Field, Okinawa Trough: Evidence from Fluid Inclusions, Oxygen and Helium Isotopes , 2005 .

[45]  P. Wallace Volatiles in subduction zone magmas: concentrations and fluxes based on melt inclusion and volcanic gas data , 2005 .

[46]  N. Shikazono,et al.  An experimental study on felsic rock–artificial seawater interaction: implications for hydrothermal alteration and sulfate formation in the Kuroko mining area of Japan , 2005 .

[47]  P. Stoffers,et al.  Mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of hydrothermal alteration processes in the active, submarine, felsic-hosted PACMANUS field, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea , 2004 .

[48]  J. Webster The exsolution of magmatic hydrosaline chloride liquids , 2004 .

[49]  R. Binns,et al.  Release of gold-bearing fluids in convergent margin magmas prompted by magnetite crystallization , 2004, Nature.

[50]  J. Banner Radiogenic isotopes: systematics and applications to earth surface processes and chemical stratigraphy , 2004 .

[51]  D. Hilton,et al.  The CO 2 -He-Ar-H 2 O systematics of the manus back-arc basin: resolving source composition from degassing and contamination effects , 2004 .

[52]  N. Coltice,et al.  Carbon isotope cycle and mantle structure , 2004 .

[53]  S. Roberts,et al.  Fluid inclusion evidence for subsurface phase separation and variable fluid mixing regimes beneath the deep-sea PACMANUS hydrothermal field, Manus Basin back arc rift, Papua New Guinea , 2004 .

[54]  H. Paulick,et al.  Drill core-based facies reconstruction of a deep-marine felsic volcano hosting an active hydrothermal system (Pual Ridge, Papau New Guinea, ODP Leg 193) , 2004 .

[55]  Jeffrey S. Seewald,et al.  Aqueous volatiles in hydrothermal fluids from the Main Endeavour Field, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge: temporal variability following earthquake activity , 2003 .

[56]  S. Humphris,et al.  Controls of fluid chemistry and complexation on rare-earth element contents of anhydrite from the Pacmanus subseafloor hydrothermal system, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea , 2003 .

[57]  A. Boyce,et al.  Contrasting evolution of hydrothermal fluids in the PACMANUS system, Manus Basin: The Sr and S isotope evidence , 2003 .

[58]  M. Lilley,et al.  Magmatic events can produce rapid changes in hydrothermal vent chemistry , 2003, Nature.

[59]  J. Charlou,et al.  Geochemistry of high H2 and CH4 vent fluids issuing from ultramafic rocks at the Rainbow hydrothermal field (36°14'N, MAR) , 2002 .

[60]  Sang‐Mook Lee Selected Papers from "Multidisciplinary Investigation of the Western Pacific I(2000-2001)" , 2002 .

[61]  Kaihui Yang,et al.  Magmatic Degassing of Volatiles and Ore Metals into a Hydrothermal System on the Modern Sea Floor of the Eastern Manus Back-Arc Basin, Western Pacific , 2002 .

[62]  F. Goff,et al.  Iodine isotope ratios and halide concentrations in fluids of the Satsuma-Iwojima volcano, Japan , 2002 .

[63]  A. Crawford,et al.  Fluid bubbles in melt inclusions and pillow-rim glasses: high-temperature precursors to hydrothermal fluids? , 2002 .

[64]  P. Cartigny,et al.  Volatile (C, N, Ar) variability in MORB and the respective roles of mantle source heterogeneity and degassing: the case of the Southwest Indian Ridge , 2001 .

[65]  B. Marty,et al.  Water-saturated oceanic lavas from the Manus Basin: volatile behaviour during assimilation–fractional crystallisation–degassing (AFCD) , 2001 .


[67]  W. Roest,et al.  First observations of high-temperature submarine hydrothermal vents and massive anhydrite deposits off the north coast of Iceland , 2001 .

[68]  T. Urabe,et al.  Acid‐sulphate Type Alteration and Mineralization in the Desmos Caldera, Manus Back‐arc Basin, Papua New Guinea , 2001 .

[69]  A. Crawford,et al.  Parental basaltic melts and fluids in eastern Manus backarc Basin: Implications for hydrothermal mineralisation , 2001 .

[70]  M. Franchini,et al.  Skarns Related to Porphyry–Style Mineralization at Caicayén Hill, Neuquén, Argentina: Composition and Evolution of Hydrothermal Fluids , 2000 .

[71]  U. Hansen,et al.  Depletion of a brine layer at the base of ridge-crest hydrothermal systems , 2000 .

[72]  J. Lowenstern A review of the contrasting behavior of two magmatic volatiles: Chlorine and carbon dioxide , 2000 .

[73]  F. Goff,et al.  Tritium and stable isotopes of magmatic waters , 2000 .

[74]  M. Kusakabe,et al.  Sulfur isotopic effects in the disproportionation reaction of sulfur dioxide in hydrothermal fluids: implications for the δ 34 S variations of dissolved bisulfate and elemental sulfur from active crater lakes , 2000 .

[75]  J. Cann,et al.  Sea water entrainment and fluid evolution within the TAG hydrothermal mound: evidence from analyses of anhydrite , 1999 .

[76]  K. Simon,et al.  Stable isotope fractionation between liquid and vapour in water–salt systems up to 600°C , 1999 .

[77]  D. Teagle,et al.  The uptake of carbon during alteration of ocean crust , 1999 .

[78]  J. Charlou,et al.  Yttrium and rare earth elements in fluids from various deep-sea hydrothermal systems , 1999 .

[79]  P. Michael,et al.  Influence of spreading rate and magma supply on crystallization and assimilation beneath mid‐ocean ridges: Evidence from chlorine and major element chemistry of mid‐ocean ridge basalts , 1998 .


[81]  F. Pineau,et al.  Water solubility and D/H fractionation in the system basaltic andesite–H2O at 1250°C and between 0.5 and 3 kbars , 1998 .

[82]  Heinrich,et al.  Formation of a magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposit: insights with LA-ICP-MS analysis of fluid inclusions , 1998, Science.

[83]  R. Feely,et al.  Seafloor eruptions and evolution of hydrothermal fluid chemistry , 1997, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

[84]  J. Auzende,et al.  Acidic and sulfate-rich hydrothermal fluids from the Manus back-arc basin, Papua New Guinea , 1997 .

[85]  J. Naka,et al.  SHINKAI 6500 dives in the Manus Basin: New STARMER Japanese-French Program , 1996 .

[86]  J. Ishibashi,et al.  パプアニューギニア, マヌス海盆における海底熱水活動の化学的探査 (ManusFlux航海) / Chemical Exploration of Hydrothermal Activity in the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea (ManusFlux Cruise) , 1996 .

[87]  H. Edmonds,et al.  Chemical characteristics of hydrothermal fluids from the TAG Mound of the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge in August 1994: Implications for spatial and temporal variability of hydrothermal activity , 1996 .

[88]  J. Charlou,et al.  Gases and helium isotopes in high temperature solutions sampled before and after ODP Leg 158 Drilling at TAG Hydrothermal Field (26°N, MAR) , 1996 .

[89]  Kaihui Yang,et al.  Possible contribution of a metal-rich magmatic fluid to a sea-floor hydrothermal system , 1996, Nature.

[90]  B. Taylor,et al.  Backarc spreading, rifting, and microplate rotation, between transform faults in the Manus Basin , 1996 .

[91]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Hydrogen isotope systematics of phase separation in submarine hydrothermal systems: Experimental calibration and theoretical models , 1996 .

[92]  Mark D. Hannington,et al.  Polymetallic massive sulfides at the modern seafloor A review , 1995 .

[93]  S. Arnórsson,et al.  Processes controlling the distribution of boron and chlorine in natural waters in Iceland , 1995 .

[94]  M. Hannington,et al.  Deducing patterns of fluid flow and mixing within the TAG active hydrothermal mound using mineralogical and geochemical data , 1995 .

[95]  W. Seyfried,et al.  The hydrothermal chemistry of fluoride in seawater , 1995 .

[96]  D. Cole,et al.  The activity-composition relationship of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in aqueous salt solutions: III. Vapor-liquid water equilibration of NaCl solutions to 350°C , 1995 .

[97]  J. Webster,et al.  Solubilities of sulfur, noble gases, nitrogen, chlorine, and fluorine in magmas , 1994 .

[98]  H. Wakita,et al.  Helium and carbon geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from the North Fiji Basin spreading ridge (southwest Pacific) , 1994 .

[99]  H. Shinohara Exsolution of immiscible vapor and liquid phases from a crystallizing silicate melt: Implications for chlorine and metal transport , 1994 .

[100]  K. Crook,et al.  Extensional transform zones and oblique spreading centers , 1994 .

[101]  H. Wakita,et al.  Peculiar features of Suiyo Seamount hydrothermal fluids, Izu-Bonin Arc: Differences from subaerial volcanism , 1994 .

[102]  J. Lowenstern,et al.  The role of magmas in the formation of hydrothermal ore deposits , 1994, Nature.

[103]  G. Massoth,et al.  Gradients in the composition of hydrothermal fluids from the Endeavour segment vent field: Phase separation and brine loss , 1994 .

[104]  R. Feely,et al.  Trace metals in hydrothermal solutions from Cleft segment on the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge , 1994 .

[105]  G. Massoth,et al.  Geochemistry of north Cleft segment vent fluids: Temporal changes in chlorinity and their possible relation to recent volcanism , 1994 .

[106]  R. Binns,et al.  Actively forming polymetallic sulfide deposits associated with felsic volcanic rocks in the eastern Manus back-arc basin, Papua New Guinea , 1993 .

[107]  P. Herzig,et al.  Metallogenesis in back-arc environments; the Lau Basin example , 1993 .

[108]  J. Ishibashi,et al.  Hydrothermal plumes in the eastern Manus Basin, Bismarck Sea: CH4, Mn, Al and pH anomalies , 1993 .

[109]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Calcium and sodium exchange during hydrothermal alteration of calcic plagioclase at 400°C and 400 bars , 1993 .

[110]  C. L. Peach,et al.  Sulfur speciation, oxidation state, and sulfur concentration in backarc magmas , 1993 .

[111]  C. Langmuir,et al.  The systematics of boron abundances in young volcanic rocks , 1993 .

[112]  P. Sedwick,et al.  Unusual geochemistry of hydrothermal vents on submarine arc volcanoes: Kasuga Seamounts, Northern Mariana Arc , 1993 .

[113]  K. Crook,et al.  a Hydrothermal Field in the Rift Zone of the Manus Basin, Bismarck Sea , 1993 .

[114]  W. Giggenbach Isotopic shifts in waters from geothermal and volcanic systems along convergent plate boundaries and their origin , 1992 .

[115]  P. Sedwick,et al.  Chemistry of hydrothermal solutions from Pele's Vents, Loihi Seamount, Hawaii , 1992 .

[116]  K. V. Damm,et al.  Quartz solubility in hydrothermal seawater; an experimental study and equation describing quartz solubility for up to 0.5 M NaCl solutions , 1991 .

[117]  D. Mattey Carbon dioxide solubility and carbon isotope fractionation in basaltic melt , 1991 .

[118]  P. Sedwick,et al.  Gas-rich submarine exhalations during the 1989 eruption of Macdonald Seamount , 1991 .

[119]  R. Bodnar,et al.  Can economic porphyry copper mineralization be generated by a typical calc‐alkaline melt? , 1991 .

[120]  Yves Fouquet,et al.  Hydrothermal activity in the Lau back-arc basin:Sulfides and water chemistry , 1991 .

[121]  P. Herzig,et al.  Hydrothermal activity and metallogenesis in the Lau back-arc basin , 1991, Nature.

[122]  W. Seyfried,et al.  The effect of temperature on metal mobility in subseafloor hydrothermal systems: constraints from basalt alteration experiments , 1990 .

[123]  T. Matsumoto,et al.  Unique chemistry of the hydrothermal solution in the mid‐Okinawa Trough Backarc Basin , 1990 .

[124]  G. Massoth,et al.  Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from Axial Seamount hydrothermal emissions study vent field, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Subseafloor boiling and subsequent fluid‐rock interaction , 1990 .

[125]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Boron, bromine, and other trace elements as clues to the fate of chlorine in mid-ocean ridge vent fluids , 1990 .

[126]  H. Wakita,et al.  Venting of Carbon Dioxide-Rich Fluid and Hydrate Formation in Mid-Okinawa Trough Backarc Basin , 1990, Science.

[127]  P. Michael,et al.  Chlorine in mid-ocean ridge magmas: Evidence for assimilation of seawater-influenced components , 1989 .

[128]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Plagioclase and epidote buffering of cation ratios in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal fluids: Experimental results in and near the supercritical region , 1989 .

[129]  G. Massoth,et al.  Submarine venting of phase-separated hydrothermal fluids at Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge , 1989, Nature.

[130]  T. Bowers Stable isotope signatures of water‐rock interaction in mid‐ocean ridge hydrothermal systems: Sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen , 1989 .

[131]  J. Welhan Origins of methane in hydrothermal systems , 1988 .

[132]  Michael O. Garcia,et al.  Loihi Seamount, Hawaii: a mid-plate volcano with a distinctive hydrothermal system , 1988, Nature.

[133]  W. Shanks,et al.  Sulfur isotope study of chimney minerals and vent fluids from 21°N, East Pacific Rise: Hydrothermal sulfur sources and disequilibrium sulfate reduction , 1988 .

[134]  K. V. Damm Systematics of and postulated controls on submarine hydrothermal solution chemistry , 1988 .

[135]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Hydrothermal alteration processes at midocean ridges: experimental and theoretical constraints from Ca and Sr exchange reactions and Sr isotopic ratios , 1988 .

[136]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Stable isotope studies of vent fluids and chimney minerals, southern Juan de Fuca Ridge: Sodium metasomatism and seawater sulfate reduction , 1987 .

[137]  K. V. Damm,et al.  Chemistry of hydrothermal solutions from the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge , 1987 .

[138]  J. Edmond,et al.  Boron isotope exchange between seawater and the oceanic crust , 1987 .

[139]  C. Harmon,et al.  Origins of methane in hydrothermal systems , 1987 .

[140]  B. Taylor Magmatic volatiles; isotopic variation of C, H, and S , 1986 .

[141]  K. Crook,et al.  Hydrothermal chimneys and associated fauna in the Manus Back‐Arc Basin, Papua New Guinea , 1986 .

[142]  H. Taylor,et al.  An integrated chemical and stable-isotope model of the origin of Midocean Ridge Hot Spring Systems , 1985 .

[143]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Heavy metal and sulfur transport during subcritical and supercritical hydrothermal alteration of basalt: Influence of fluid pressure and basalt composition and crystallinity , 1985 .

[144]  Ray F. Weiss,et al.  Chemistry of submarine hydrothermal solutions at 21 °N, East Pacific Rise , 1985 .

[145]  K. Pitzer,et al.  Phase relations and adiabats in boiling seafloor geothermal systems , 1985 .

[146]  R. Rosenbauer,et al.  An empirical equation of state for hydrothermal seawater (3.2 percent NaCl) , 1985 .

[147]  C. Kendall,et al.  Multisample conversion of water to hydrogen by zinc for stable isotope determination , 1985 .

[148]  M. Bender,et al.  Chemical evidence for advection of hydrothermal solutions in the sediments of the Galapagos Mounds Hydrothermal Field , 1984 .

[149]  M. Mottl,et al.  Alteration of the oceanic crust: Implications for geochemical cycles of lithium and boron , 1984 .

[150]  F. Albarède,et al.  Chemistry of solutions from the 13°N East Pacific Rise hydrothermal site , 1984 .

[151]  R. Fournier A method of calculating quartz solubilities in aqueous sodium chloride solutions , 1983 .

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[155]  F. Albarède,et al.  87Sr/86Sr ratios in hydrothermal waters and deposits from the East Pacific Rise at 21°N , 1981 .

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[157]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Experimental seawater-basalt interaction at 300°C, 500 bars, chemical exchange, secondary mineral formation and implications for the transport of heavy metals , 1981 .

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[160]  M. Mottl,et al.  Chemical exchange during hydrothermal alteration of basalt by seawater—II. Experimental results for Fe, Mn, and sulfur species , 1979 .

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[174]  S. Scott,et al.  Metalliferous Sediments Associated with Presently Forming Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides: The SuSu Knolls Hydrothermal Field, Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea , 2007 .

[175]  W. Seyfried,et al.  Quartz solubility in the two-phase and critical region of the NaCl–KCl–H2O system: Implications for submarine hydrothermal vent systems at 9°50′N East Pacific Rise , 2007 .

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[177]  Yohey Suzuki,et al.  Geomicrobiological exploration and characterization of a novel deep-sea hydrothermal system at the TOTO caldera in the Mariana Volcanic Arc. , 2006, Environmental microbiology.

[178]  M. Tivey,et al.  Manus 2006 : hydrothermal systems in the Eastern Manus Basin: fluid chemistry and magnetic structure as guides to subseafloor processes , 2006 .

[179]  J. Sinton,et al.  Magma Genesis and Mantle Heterogeneity in the Manus Back-Arc Basin, Papua New Guinea , 2003 .

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[181]  Mariana Trench,et al.  Plate kinematics in the western Pacific derived from geodetic observations , 2002 .

[182]  Kenneth W. Doherty,et al.  A new gas-tight isobaric sampler for hydrothermal fluids , 2002 .

[183]  W. Shanks Stable Isotopes in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: Vent fluids, hydrothermal deposits, hydrothermal alteration, and microbial processes , 2001 .

[184]  D. Kelley,et al.  Volatiles in mid-ocean ridge environments , 2000 .

[185]  S. Humphris,et al.  A synthesis of geological and geochemical investigations of the TAG hydrothermal field: Insights into fluid-flow and mixing processes in a hydrothermal system , 2000 .

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[187]  M. Hannington,et al.  Volcanic Associated Massive Sulfide Deposits: Processes and Examples in Modern and Ancient Settings , 1997 .

[188]  H. Taylor Oxygen and hydrogen isotope relationships in hydrothermal mineral deposits , 1997 .

[189]  J. Cann,et al.  Preface for Discussion on Mid–Ocean Ridges: dynamics of processes associated with creation of new ocean crust , 1997, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences.

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[191]  J. Ishibashi,et al.  Hydrothermal Activity Related to Arc-Backarc Magmatism in the Western Pacific , 1995 .

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