Muscle Fiber Types of the Tunica Muscularis Externa at the Upper Part of the Sparrow (Passer domesticus) Esophagus

Muscle fiber types of the tunica muscularis externa of the upper part of the sparrow esophagus were characterised by the method of myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (mATPase). Muscle fibers were described as type II and type III. Muscle fiber types were histochemically different from those of the esophagus of broiler ross. It is thought that this difference should be evaluated according to the functional difference between the esophagus of domestic and wild bird species. Ozet: Serce ozofagusunun yukar› bolumunde, tunika muskularis eksterna'n›n kas lifi tipleri miyofibriller adenozin trifosfataz (mATPase) metodu ile karakterize edildi. Kas lifleri bu metoda gore, tip II ve tip III olarak tan›mland›. Kas lifi tipleri, histokimyasal olarak etlik besi pilici ozofagusundakinden farkl›yd›. Bu farkl›l›¤›n, evcil ve yabani kufl turleri aras›nda ozofagusun fonksiyonuna bal› olarak deerlendirilmesi gerektii kanaatine var›ld›.

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