Digital Image Analysis of Etch Pit Formation in CR-39 Track Detector

An in-situ observation system was developed to record time-lapse images of etch pits formed on the surface of a solid-state nuclear track detector (SSNTD), CR-39. The CR-39 track detector was irradiated with alpha and Li particles produced by a neutron capture reaction, 10B(n,α)7Li. The time-lapse images of the etched surface of the detector were carefully observed to elucidate the etch pit formation process. Pit-evolution images were constructed by digital image processing of the data of the time-lapse images. In addition, a finite element model of SSNTD was used to simulate the etch pit formation. Pit-evolution image analysis and computational simulation were performed to reveal the etch pit formation obtained via the incidence angle of energetic particles on a CR-39.