Alternative cereals in Serbia in the system of sustainable agricultural production.

Contemporary crop production has a pronounced geographical, ecological, economic and social significance. By these characteristics it can be divided into traditional, conventional and sustainable agriculture. In our country, traditional crop production exists predominantly on small family farms. Agricultural products are used for the needs of house hold members, leaving few market surpluses. The improvement of this production system is in changing the N. Đurić i sur.: Alternativne žitarice u Srbiji u sistemu održive poljoprivredne proizvodnje 370 sowing structure, i.e. introduction of alternative crop species with higher market value products. For small farmers, a system of sustainable agricultural production is also interesting, where three systems of crop cultivation can be distinguished: good agricultural practices, integral and organic (ecological or biological) agricultural production. If producers choose one of these three cultivation systems, species from the alternative cereals group can be the right choice as they provide the market with quality and sanitarily safe food products. Before opting for these production systems, farmers need to asquire the necessary background knowledge.