This TR contains two brief reviews which will appe ar in the Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2003), R otterdam, August 2003. They are the basis for two talks in the invited session WeP02Reproducing Kernels 1, and were prepared within the space limitations of the Proceedin gs. They are primarily based on work of the author and collaborators. There are many related results due to other authors which are not mentioned, some of which will appear in other Pr oceedings papers.

[1]  G. Wahba Spline Interpolation and Smoothing on the Sphere , 1981 .

[2]  G. Wahba Erratum: Spline Interpolation and Smoothing on the Sphere , 1982 .

[3]  Grace Wahba,et al.  Spline Models for Observational Data , 1990 .

[4]  G. Wahba,et al.  Smoothing Spline ANOVA with Component-Wise Bayesian “Confidence Intervals” , 1993 .

[5]  G. Wahba,et al.  Smoothing Spline ANOVA Fits for Very Large, Nearly Regular Data Sets, with Application to Historical , 1995 .

[6]  G. Wahba,et al.  Smoothing spline ANOVA for exponential families, with application to the Wisconsin Epidemiological Study of Diabetic Retinopathy : the 1994 Neyman Memorial Lecture , 1995 .

[7]  Xiwu Lin Smoothing Spline Analysis Of Variance For Polychotomous Response Data , 1998 .

[8]  Grace Wahba,et al.  Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Temperature Using Smoothing Spline ANOVA , 1998 .

[9]  Michael C. Ferris,et al.  Variable Selection via Basis Pursuit for Non-Gaussian Data , 2001 .

[10]  G. Wahba,et al.  Smoothing Spline ANOVA for Multivariate Bernoulli Observations With Application to Ophthalmology Data , 2001 .

[11]  Grace Wahba,et al.  Soft and hard classification by reproducing kernel Hilbert space methods , 2002, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[12]  Yi Lin Multicategory Support Vector Machines, Theory, and Application to the Classification of . . . , 2003 .

[13]  Meta M. Voelker,et al.  Variable Selection and Model Building via Likelihood Basis Pursuit , 2004 .

[14]  G. Wahba,et al.  Multicategory Support Vector Machines , Theory , and Application to the Classification of Microarray Data and Satellite Radiance Data , 2003 .

[15]  Yi Lin,et al.  Support Vector Machines and the Bayes Rule in Classification , 2002, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.