Layout of the PITZ Transverse Deflecting System for Longitudinal Phase Space and Slice Emittance Measurements

Transverse Deflecting Systems are designated for longitudinal beam diagnostics of ultra-short electron bunches in modern FEL projects. At the European XFEL, Transverse Deflecting Systems are foreseen at three locations. A prototype of the TDS in the injector of the European XFEL will be installed at PITZ, which is identical in terms of deflecting structure, low-level RF system and powerful RF hardware. This PITZ TDS has the aim to prove the required performance for all TDS subsystems as well as serve as a diagnostics tool for PITZ. Results of the test cells measurements of a S-band traveling wave structure are presented, showing very good agreement with calculated parameters. RF power supply system, including a 3 MW klystron and other RF hardware, is described. Solid state 130 kV Marx modulator has been developed for the klystron feeding. 10 kV module of the modulator has been built and tested. The modulator allows for high voltage shutdown within pulse.