Study of living single cells in culture: automated recognition of cell behavior.

An automated system capable of analyzing the behavior, in real time, of single living cells in culture, in a noninvasive and nondestructive way, has been developed. A large number of cell positions in single culture dishes were recorded using a computer controlled, robotized microscope. During subsequent observations, binary images obtained from video image analysis of the microscope visual field allowed the identification of the recorded cells. These cells could be revisited automatically every few minutes. Long-term studies of the behavior of cells make possible the analysis of cellular locomotary and mitotic activities as well as determination of cell shape (chosen from a defined library) for several hours or days in a fully automated way with observations spaced up to 30 minutes. Short-term studies of the behavior of cells permit the study, in a semiautomatic way, of acute effects of drugs (5 to 15 minutes) on changes of surface area and length of cells.