Diversity of Recommendation with Considering Data Similarity among Different Types of Contents

Recommendation methods have important objectives of accuracy and diversity but the traditional researches have been mainly focused on the accuracy of recommendation in terms of quality. At present, the diversity of recommendation is also important to people in terms of quantity in addition to quality since people’s desire for content consumption have been stronger rapidly than past. In this paper, we pay attention to similarity of data gathered simultaneously among different types of contents. With this motivation, we propose an enhanced recommendation method using correlation analysis with considering data similarity between two types of contents which are movie and music. Specifically, we regard folksonomy tags for music as correlated data of genres for movie even though they are different attributes depend on their contents. That is, we make result of new recommendation movie items through mapping music folksonomy tags to movie genres in addition to the recommendation items from the typical collaborative filtering. We evaluate effectiveness of our method by experiments with real data set. As the result of experimentation, we found that the diversity of recommendation could be extended by considering data similarity between music contents and movie contents. 