Negotiation processes : modeling frameworks and information technology
1. Modeling and Supporting Task-Oriented Group Processes M.F. Shakun. 2. Using Meeting Works for Windows Group Support System to Implement Evolutionary Systems Design L.F. Lewis, M.F. Shakun. 3. Negotiation Processes, Evolutionary Systems Design and Negotiator T.X. Bui, M.F. Shakun. 4. Game Theory and the Practice of Bargaining K. Chatterjee. 5. Negotiation Support Using the Decision Support System GMCR D.M. Kilgour, L. Fang, K.W. Hipel. 6. Negotiation and Design: Supporting Resource Allocation Decisions Through Analytical Mediation J.L. Mumpower, J. Rohrbaugh. 7. A Prototype NSS Based on Problem Structure and Suggestions Toward More Comprehensive Negotiation Support T.R. Hill, B.H. Jones. 8. Perspectives on Representation and Analysis of Negotiation: Towards Cognitive Support Systems G. Kersten, D. Cray. 9. Computer Supported Cooperative Negotiations S.J. Andriole. 10. On-Line Group Decision Support by Preference Programming in Traffic Planning R.P. Hamalainen, M. Poyhonen. 11. 'Horses for Courses' - A Stakeholder Approach to the Evaluation of GDSS's C. Eden, F. Ackermann. 12. A Research Framework for Group Support Systems C.A. Stevens, P.N. Finlay.