Marketing Strategy in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Part 1 The marketing concept: the specificities of pharmaceutical marketing the tasks of marketing the structure of the book. Part 2 The strategic marketing context: overall company strategy marketing strategy at the portfolio level marketing strategy at the product level. Part 3 Market segmentation: criteria for identifying market segments advantages of segmentation potential drawbacks segmentation bases target market selection. Part 4 Positioning: differential advantage types of positionings corporate positioning measuring product positioning alternative positioning strategies. Part 5 Competitive analysis: competitive forces in the pharmaceutical industry the process of competitive analysis. Part 6 Research and development and marketing: research and development process research and development strategy research and development productivity marketing and research and development. Part 7 Government and marketing: rationale for government intervention introduction of new products pricing of drugs trade in ethical pharmaceutical drugs patents and trademarks other interventions cost of regulation marketing implications. Part 8 Strategic marketing review: concept of a strategic marketing review stage I - planning for the review stage II - product market assessment stage III - assessing strategic marketing performance stage IV - strategic options for the planning horizon. Part 9 Implementation of marketing strategy - the marketing mix: pricing communication distribution.