Study on Simple and High-Speed Diesel Combustion Model for Driving Mode Simulator Available for Premixed and Diffusion Combustion of Sprays
To design a diesel engine adapting to future exhaust gas regulation, it is important to develop a driving mode simulator which can simulate vehicle performance and exhaust emissions including after-treatment system. The combustion model for this objective must be able to simulate heat release rate, variety of emissions necessary for after-treatment simulation, and exhaust gas temperature in very short computational time. The authors have developed a diesel combustion model based on the Hiroyasu model by adding variety of modifications to minimize optimization process of the empirical constants. It was shown that the simulation results with the improvement model were in good agreement with the experimental results. By adding Tsurushima model consisting of nine reaction steps with several intermediate species, the model became available for the both combustions of spray diffusion flame and of homogeneous charge compression ignition.Copyright © 2011 by ASME