Diversity of language is a key part of our understanding of natural languages now and from the past. This diversity goes hand in hand with language change. Change is pervasive at every linguistic level. However, the space of existing languages does not appear to be unconstrained. In the modern generative tradition, this is governed by Universal Grammar (UG) (see, for example, Kroch (2000)). A number of computational models have been proposed to probe the nature of language change and role learning has within this (eg. Kirby (2001); Kirby et al. (2007); Nowak et al. (1999); Niyogi and Berwick (1998); Griffiths and Kalish (2005)). All of these studies can be grouped under the umbrella of iterated learning. Within these computational models, variation arises primarily from the individual learning mechanism and the varying input coming from the rest of the adult population. Different studies embrace different approaches to the problem. However, all of these approaches require the learner to select a grammar from a finite data set. However, the majority of computational models of language change have generally been frequentist in nature. In particular, Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is usually employed as the decision making criterion. In this context, the learner chooses the grammar which makes the input data most likely. In actuality, this amounts to assuming that grammars have specific and probabilities associated with particular syntactic constructions. Grammar acquisition is then reduced to matching observed frequencies to these grammar intrinsic probabilities. Whatever uneasiness one might have about embedding probabilities so deeply in the grammar we can immediately note another problem associated with this sort of estimation. That is, MLE requires us to conflate several factors: innate (prior) biases, social and communicative factors, and random noise. A natural candidate for solving such problems that has the ability of separating out these factors is Bayesian decision theory (c.f. Berger (1985)). That is, we set the learner the goal of choosing the grammar that will maximize their expected utility. This differs from the MLE based approaches mentioned above in that it takes a subjectivist view towards to the problem. Strong arguments have been made for the philosophical advantage of the Bayesian approach (Efron, 1986; Jaynes, 2003). The main benefit from our point of view is that the utility function explicitly takes into account issues of communicability and processing/production difficulties. This allows us to, at least theoretically, separate out such factors in a principled fashion. This paper considers these different approaches with respect to the case of clitic position change in European Portuguese. In the end, I will argue that, while MLE is the bread and butter of
F. Parker,et al.
T. Griffiths,et al.
A Bayesian View of Language Evolution by Iterated Learning - eScholarship
Thomas L. Griffiths,et al.
Partha Niyogi,et al.
Book Reviews: The Computational Nature of Language Learning and Evolution, by Partha Niyogi
Larry Wasserman,et al.
Why isn't Everyone a Bayesian?
Charlotte Galves,et al.
The Change in Clitic Placement from Classical to Modern European Portuguese: Results from the Tycho Brahe Corpus
P. Niyogi,et al.
A language learning model for finite parameter spaces
Antonio Galves,et al.
A Case Study of Prosody Driven Language Change. From Classical to Modern European Portuguese.
Thomas L. Griffiths,et al.
Language Evolution by Iterated Learning With Bayesian Agents
Cogn. Sci..
Simon Kirby,et al.
Spontaneous evolution of linguistic structure-an iterated learning model of the emergence of regularity and irregularity
IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput..
Ted Briscoe.
Grammatical acquisition: Inductive bias and coevolution of language and the language acquisition device
B. Efron.
Why Isn't Everyone a Bayesian?
Bradley Efron,et al.
Maximum Likelihood and Decision Theory
Charles D. Ya.
Internal and external forces in language change
Charlotte Galves,et al.
Clitic Placement and the Position of Subjects in the History of European Portuguese
R. Baierlein.
Probability Theory: The Logic of Science
João Costa,et al.
Preverbal subjects in null subject languages are not necessarily dislocated
Ted Briscoe,et al.
Linguistic Evolution Through Language Acquisition: Grammatical acquisition and linguistic selection
Simon Kirby,et al.
Innateness and culture in the evolution of language
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Simon Kirby,et al.
Iterated Learning: A Framework for the Emergence of Language
Artificial Life.
Partha Niyogi,et al.
The Logical Problem of Language Change: A Case Study of European Portuguese
Amy Weinberg,et al.
Necessary bias in natural language learning
J. Berger.
Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis
M. Nowak,et al.
The evolutionary language game.
Journal of theoretical biology.