Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Based Vector Control for Stand-alone Doubly Fed Induction Generator

This investigation explores a modified vector control (VC) for stand-alone doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based on nonsingular terminal sliding mode control (NTSMC) method. By introducing an improved oriented method, the modified VC achieves more accurate oriented process and exact terminal stator voltage for stand-alone DFIG system. The NTSMC is applied to design the rotor current controller, which makes the states converge to the sliding surface in finite time without a singular problem. Furthermore, an extended state observer (ESO) is designed to estimate the lumped disturbances, therefore reducing the dependency on the knowledge of DFIG plant. Therefore, better tracking performance of the rotor current is achieved. Finally, numerous simulation results are given to demonstrate the robustness, dynamic and static performance of the proposed approach.

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