In Sect. 1.3, the reasons which may induce a designer to obtain a reduced- order model were discussed, and in Chap. 2 those methods which can be used to perform this reduction were illustrated in detail. Most of these algorithms have been implemented by the authors, and are contained in the UMLLSR (Unified Modular Library for Linear System Reduction) software library, where some 50 approximation algorithms have been implemented [1]. The software is updated continuously in accordance with progress in specific literature, so the number of algorithms is continually increasing. This resource has represented a useful support in performing comparative studies between model reduction algorithms.
Luigi Fortuna,et al.
An Interactive Program Package for Linear System Reduction
Ian Graham,et al.
Expert Systems: Knowledge, Uncertainty and Decision
B. Moore.
Principal component analysis in linear systems: Controllability, observability, and model reduction
Luigi Fortuna,et al.
An expert tool for model validation
L. Fortuna,et al.
Expert system for optimization of model reduction techniques
IEEE Control Systems Magazine.