Much Remains to Be Done; The British View; Meeting Face to Face

GEORGE Gallup's American Institute of Public Opinion has been trying to discover to what extent the American public is aware of the sheer destructive power of the hydrogen bomb, and the results are far from being what one would expect in a land proud of its educational facilities. According to Dr. Gallup of Princeton, N. J., if the members of the Atomic Energy Commission were to set out from Maine and go across the country to California, talking with every person they met, their findings would be as follows: Out of every 100 persons, 20 would say they had never heard or read anything about the H-bomb. Out of every 100 persons, 15 would say that, while they had heard or read about the deadly weapon, they have absolutely no idea of the bomb's destructive power. The remaining 65 out of every 1O0 persons would venture guesses covering a wide range—that people would be ...