Chalcogenide Photovoltaics: Physics, Technologies, and Thin Film Devices
Preface Symbols and Acronyms INTRODUCTION History of Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se), Solar Cells History of CdTe Solar Cells Prospects of Chalcogenide Photovoltaics THIN FILM HETEROSTRUCTURES Energies and Potentials Charge Densities and Fluxes Energy Band Diagrams Diode Currents Light Generated Currents Device Analysis and Parameters DESIGN RULES FOR HETEROSTRUCTURE SOLAR CELLS AND MODULES Absorber Bandgap Band Alignment Emitter Doping and Doping Ratio Fermi Level Pinning Absorber Doping Absorber Thickness Grain Boundaries Back Contact Barrier Buffer Thickness Front Surface Gradient Back Surface Gradients Monolithic Series Interconnection THIN FILM MATERIAL PROPERTIES AII-BVI Absorbers AI-BIII-C2VI Absorbers Buffer Layers Window Layers Interfaces THIN FILM TECHNOLOGY CdTe Cells and Modules Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 Cells and Modules PHOTOVOLTAIC PROPERTIES OF STANDARD DEVICES CdTe Device Properties AI-BIII-C2VI Device Properties APPENDIX A: FREQUENTLY OBSERVED ANOMALIES JV Curves Colar Cell Parameters Diode Parameters Quantum Efficiency Transient Effects APPENDIX B: TABLES