Study of temperature parameter on the thermosonic gold wire bonding of high-speed CMOS

A study of the temperature parameter on the thermosonic gold wire bonding of high-speed CMOS using a Shinkawa bonding machine (type UTC-10) was performed to determine the lowest possible bonding temperature. A full factorial statistical design of experiments to test the bonding temperature, bond force, and ultrasonic power parameters at three levels of setting each was carried out. Bond quality was evaluated using the ball shear test, wire bond pull test, and nonsticking on pad (NSOP) criteria. A smashed ball, bond to interconnect, and cratering defects were also investigated. The results show that the lowest possible temperature for bonding a particular high-speed CMOS metallization is 160 degrees C. At this temperature, satisfactory bond quality can be obtained when the bond force and ultrasonic power parameters settings are within 30-50 g and 314-471 mW, respectively. >