Evaluation of a commercial quail pox vaccine (Bio-Pox Q) for the control of "variant" fowl poxvirus infections.

Groups of 3-week-old specific pathogen-free chickens immunized with a commercial live-virus quail pox vaccine (Bio-Pox Q) were not protected against challenge with "variant" poxviruses isolated from chickens that were previously vaccinated with commercial fowl pox vaccine. The percentages of vaccinated chickens resistant to challenge with each of the five variant field isolates were 0%, 20%, 0%, 20%, and 10%, respectively. However, when immunity engendered by the variant field isolates was challenged with the commercial quail pox vaccine virus, 80%, 70%, 80%, 50%, and 60% of the vaccinates, respectively, were protected. Results from cross-immunity studies indicate that the commercial quail pox vaccine does share some immunologic relationship with these variant poxvirus field isolates, but not enough to be used in the control of some outbreaks of pox caused by variant poxviruses.