Pleiotrophin Signaling Is Necessary and Sufficient for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Self-Renewal In Vivo

Abstract 404 Several signaling pathways have been elucidated which regulate hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal, including the Notch, Wnt, HOX and BMP signaling pathways. However, several of these pathways (e.g. Notch, Wnt) may not be necessary for maintenance of HSCs in vivo . We recently demonstrated that treatment of murine and human HSCs with the heparin binding growth factor, pleiotrophin (PTN), was sufficient to induce self-renewal of murine and human HSCs in culture (Himburg, Nat Med, 2010). In order to determine if PTN signaling is necessary for HSC self renewal and normal hematopoiesis in vivo , we examined the bone marrow HSC content and hematopoietic profile of mice bearing a constitutive deletion of PTN (PTN−/− mice) as well as mice bearing constitutive deletion of the PTN receptor, receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase β/ζ (RPTPβ/ζ) (courtesy of Dr. Gonzalo Herradon, Spain and Dr. Sheila Harroch, L9Institut Pasteur, Paris, FR). PTN−/− mice demonstrated no significant differences in total bone marrow (BM) cells or BM colony forming cells (CFCs) but had significantly decreased bone marrow CD34(-)c-kit(+)sca-1(+)lin(-) (34-KSL) cells compared to littermate controls which retained PTN (PTN+/+) mice (0.007% vs. 0.02%, p=0.03). Consistent with this phenotype, PTN−/− mice also contained 2–fold decreased CFU-S12 compared to control PTN+/+ mice (p= 0.003). PTN−/− mice also demonstrated an 11-fold reduction in long-term repopulating HSC content compared to PTN+/+ mice as measured via competitive repopulating assay (12 week CRU frequency: 1 in 6 cells vs. 1 in 66 cells). Taken together, these data demonstrate that PTN signaling is necessary for maintenance of the BM HSC pool in vivo . Since PTN is known to antagonize the phosphatase activity of RPTPβ/ζ, we hypothesized that deletion of RPTPβ/ζ would increase BM HSC self-renewal and result in expansion of the BM HSC pool in vivo . Consistent with this hypothesis, RPTPβ/ζ−/− mice displayed a 1.3-fold increase in total BM cells (p= 0.04), 1.8-fold increase in BM 34-KSL cells (p=0.03), 1.6-fold increase in BM CFCs (p= 0.002) and 1.6–fold increase in BM CFU-S (p in vivo . Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.