Gamma-diagnostics of alpha-particles in 4He and D–T plasmas

This article reports on γ-ray diagnosis of ICRF-accelerated 4He ions and fusion α particles used in the JET tokamak. This diagnostic based on the analysis of γ rays emitted in nuclear reaction 9Be(α,nγ)12C. The results of the first observation of the 4.44-MeV γ-radiation due to the reaction 9Be(α,nγ)12C in JET deuterium–tritium experiment (DTE1) are presented. Gamma-ray spectra have been recorded with collimated spectrometer, and the γ-ray emission radial profiles measured with the JET neutron/gamma profile monitor. Doppler broadening effects which could be used for the ICRF-accelerated 4He-ion diagnosis with high energy resolution γ-ray detectors are discussed. Capabilities of the γ-ray measurements in next step D–T devices are discussed.