Neural coordination model for perception systems in anthropomorphic robotic

Abslraa-In -this paper we present an Lntegratrd conlml syrtem, based on aeurnl modds, that a L w s the emulation of the human biological behaviour in an *nthropamorphic robotic system. The propospd rrehlterNre guide dl the joints of a robotic head-arm-hand by m u m of visual and Uclile lntrgnted processing applied to smmrial-moter coordination probbm. The impiemmterd rlgonihm allows to dennine the three dimewioiond pastion of object to be grsspd, frorn visual and tactile-propioceptiue infomarion. So, the neural weigh Onto V A M Weetor Associative Maps) neural nehwrk implemented to project rpstisl loformation over a m motor porllionr, a n be updated tpken into ~ E C O U I I I that tpetilr infonnalioo giver a precise locnliurion information when object is b e i n g graspd. (active touche). Coordination of sensorial information maps