Are there associations between grain-filling rate and photosynthesis in the flag leaves of field-grown rice?

Rate of grain filling in terms of dry mass accumulated per panicle per day was measured in field-grown rice in the dry season in the Philippines and compared to rates of light-saturated photosynthesis per unit leaf area (P(max)) measured at 350 micro l l(-1) CO(2) for 21 d after flowering. Five new plant type (tropical japonica) varieties (NPT) and one indica variety (IR72) were used and these gave some variation in rates and patterns of grain filling. A rapid grain-filling phase (RGFP) occurred approximately 10 d after flowering in most varieties. There was no consistent relationship in any variety between the rate of grain-filling and P(max) and chlorophyll content, both of which remained mostly unchanged throughout grain filling. Significant declines in the amount of total leaf protein and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) occurred, but these did not occur at the same time as the RGFP in all varieties. A decrease in the ratio of chlorophyll a/b preceded these changes and a transient rise in chlorophyll content was also observed in four varieties at this time. There was no significant change in leaf non-structural carbohydrate content during or following the RGFP. It is concluded that the decline in Rubisco and protein content in NPT was not reflected in photosynthetic activity. Hence in these field experiments Rubisco accumulated to a level in excess of photosynthetic requirements, serving as a store of nitrogen for grain filling.

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