Simulation of Curved Surface Forming of Steel Plate by Induction Heating

Abstract Ship hull is a compound curved shape and most of shipyards have been using gas heating method for thesurface forming of steel plate. This traditional forming process have problems such as difficulties in heat input controland poor working conditions due to loud noise and air contamination. Recently, researches on automatic hull formingsystem have been conducted using high frequency induction heating method which have good control ability and favorable working environment. In this study, the induction heating simulation system for curved surface forming of steel plate was developed and induction heating experiments were performed. Based on the results of this study, efficient induction heating coil design and optimal heating conditions for the automatic hull forming system can be obtained. Keywords : High frequency induction heating, Simulation, Automatic hull forming system 이 논문은 2015학년도 동의대학교 연구년 지원에 의하여 연구되었음. * Corresponding Author : Dae-Eun Ko(Dong-Eui Univ.)Tel: +82-51-890-2594 email: March 25, 2015 Revised April 24, 2015Accepted July 16, 2015 Published July 31, 2015