Use of Virtual Reality as a Distractor for Painful Procedures in a Patient with Pediatric Cancer: A Case Study

Virtual reality (VR) has been demonstrated as an effective tool to help people overcome a variety of anxiety disorders. In this case study, the use of VR as a distractor to alleviate pain and anxiety associated with an invasive medical procedure for a pediatric cancer patient was explored. An A-B-C-A design during four consecutive medical appointments in an outpatient oncology clinic compared no distraction (A), non-VR distraction on a computer screen (B), and VR distraction with a head set (C). Behavioral observations of distress by the researcher and reports of pain and anxiety by the patient, parent, and nurse were taken before and during the procedure. The child's pulse was monitored throughout the procedure. The findings from this case study suggest benefit from using VR distraction, as indicated by lower pain and anxiety ratings, reduced pulse, and fewer observed behavioral indices of distress. The need for larger scale studies and application of VR with younger children is discussed in the context of confirming effectiveness of this technique and providing more generalizable information about efficacy.