Performance Evaluation of Mobility Speed over MANET Routing Protocols

Ad-hoc networking is a concept in computer communications. Each node participating in the network acts both as host and a router and must therefore is willing to forward packets for other nodes. Research in this area is mostly simulation based; Random waypoint is the commonly used mobility model in these simulations. Random waypoint is a simple model that may be applicable to some scenarios. In the performance evaluation of a protocol for MANETs, the protocol should be tested under realistic conditions including. In recent years, a variety of routing protocols targeted speciflcally at this environment have been developed and some performance simulations are made on numbers of routing protocols likes DSDV, DSR and AODV, Research efiorts haven’t focused much in evaluating their performance when applied to variable number of nodes and constant pause times, We perform extensive simulations using NS-2 simulator, which carried out based on the Rice Monarch Project.

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