A Model for Assessment of Dynamic Interaction Between Magnetically Levitated Vehicles and Their Supporting Guideways

This report describes the development and verification of an analytical model to study the dynamic interaction between a moving maglev-type vehicle and its supporting flexible guideway, referred to as 'vehicle/guideway interaction' (VGI). The theoretical basis and computer coding for the model are described in detail. For verification purposes, the model is applied to a very simple case study and compared to a closed-form solution to the same problem. The results compared very closely, indicating that the model provides an accurate VGI analysis tool. To demonstrate the use of the model, it is applied to an actual Maglev system. The result from this analysis also compared very closely to those from similar analyses using different analytical methods. The VGI model has two distinct applications: it can be used to accurately predict the vehicle ride quality to be expected from a given vehicle and guideway design and to accurately predict the dynamic deflections and stresses experienced throughout the guideway structure as a result of a vehicle passage. Ride quality results are necessary to design a vehicle suspension system and to determine the guideway stiffness required to meet specific ride quality criteria. Dynamic structural analyses are necessary to produce safe, economical, and accurate guideway decision.