File-access patterns of data-intensive workflow applications and their implications to distributed filesystems

This paper studies five real-world data intensive workflow applications in the fields of natural language processing, astronomy image analysis, and web data analysis. Data intensive workflows are increasingly becoming important applications for cluster and Grid environments. They open new challenges to various components of workflow execution environments including job dispatchers, schedulers, file systems, and file staging tools. The keys to achieving high performance are efficient data sharing among executing hosts and locality-aware scheduling that reduces the amount of data transfer. While much work has been done on scheduling workflows, many of them use synthetic or random workload. As such, their impacts on real workloads are largely unknown. Understanding characteristics of real-world workflow applications is a required step to promote research in this area. To this end, we analyse real-world workflow applications focusing on their file access patterns and summarize their implications to schedulers and file system/staging designs.

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