An analytical model is developed that predicts the out‐of‐plane seismic behavior of reinforced masonry walls. The formulation and implementation of the model are briefly described. The model is validated by comparing the global responses (deflections, moments, and reactions) that it predicts with those obtained from full‐scale dynamic tests on nine clay brick walls and four concrete‐block walls. The test walls cover a typical range of key wall parameters (H/t ratio, amount of vertical reinforcing, presence or absence of grouting and splices, and intensity of vertical load). Each test wall was subjected to a suite of at least 12 earthquake motions, with progressively increasing peak horizontal accelerations of 0.1 g to 0.8 g. An analytical model of each wall is subjected to the same suite of motions measured during the corresponding tests. It is concluded that the analytical model captures the global wall responses well, over the range of wall parameters and earthquake motions included in the tests.