Embedding 3D into Multipurpose Cadastre

There is no doubt that the cadastral map provides a useful entrance to information in a land parcel based information system. However, such information system could be made more meaningful and useful if it can be extended for multiple usages with multi data layers, and in three-dimensions (3D). Currently, many national mapping and cadastral agencies (NMCAs) and users deal with complex situations, and we believe that 3D could enhance the understanding of the situations better. This paper describes the new initiative of Malaysian NMCA towards developing a multipurpose cadastre (MPC) based on large scale spatial data layers grouped into two types of sub systems. The first group consists of components with spatial objects to which legal and administrative facts are attached (rights, restrictions and responsibilities), such as 3D cadastre (volume parcels), 3D marine cadastre, and 3D strata (in buildings). The second group consists of components with reference spatial objects, such as: 3D topography (with buildings footprints), underground utility (3D), and 3D city model (with roof structure and LoD3 buildings). The current status of each of these components will be discussed in this paper. The paper highlights the scope of the Malaysian MPC, the requirements with respect to current cadastre and mapping databases. Recommendations and outlook for future tasks and development for realizing the MPC will be discussed as part of the conclusion section of the paper.