Viability of personal rapid transit in New Jersey

The following report was prepared for the New Jersey Legislature to document the current state of Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) development and implementation and to explore the potential viability of implementing PRT in New Jersey. The report summarizes the history of PRT development efforts worldwide, documents lessons learned from past research and development activities, explores the opinions of several PRT industry experts regarding the current state of PRT development, presents the theoretical benefits of PRT when compared to other modes of public transportation, identifies the challenges and risks associated with PRT implementation and presents a series of options for advancing PRT development in New Jersey should decision makers decide to do so. PRT has been the subject of research and development efforts for approximately 40 years. However, there has yet to be a full scale deployment of this technology. A fully operational PRT system is needed to demonstrate the theoretical benefits of PRT and establish commercial readiness and significant research and development activities must still be undertaken. Such a research and demonstration program has been conceptually estimated to require $50-100 million over a three year period. It is important to note that PRT is an emerging public transportation technology and has not yet advanced to the stage of commercial deployment or achieved wide-spread public operation. As such, much of the information presented in the report, especially information related to the potential benefits of PRT, is based on conceptual engineering and theoretical research from PRT developers, government researchers, or independent consultants. Wherever appropriate the potential or theoretical nature of particular data and information is made clear and the source of information is noted.