REPORT on the Sixth International Workshop on Chromosome 9 held at Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., 27 October 1998

A meeting on chromosome 9 was held on Tuesday, 27 October 1998 in Denver, with 38 participants (see appendix). Since the last meeting several of the positional cloning efforts on chromosome 9q have come to fruition, and the most detailed discussion was on 9p. Dr Ian Dunham from the Sanger Centre explained the strategy to be used for sequencing chromosome 9, and encouraged collaboration in the preparatory mapping. He indicated that some priority could be given to those regions where people in the field had a strong interest and could identify relevant PAC clones.

[1]  I. Kanazawa,et al.  Linkage-disequilibrium mapping narrows the Fukuyama-type congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD) candidate region to <100 kb. , 1996, American journal of human genetics.

[2]  D. Sheer,et al.  The human homologue of the ninjurin gene maps to the candidate region of hereditary sensory neuropathy type I (HSNI). , 1998, Genomics.

[3]  N. Risch,et al.  Fine localization of the torsion dystonia gene (DYT1) on human chromosome 9q34: YAC map and linkage disequilibrium. , 1997, Genome research.

[4]  E. Shoubridge,et al.  SURF1, encoding a factor involved in the biogenesis of cytochrome c oxidase, is mutated in Leigh syndrome , 1998, Nature Genetics.

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[7]  S. Brenner,et al.  Molecular cloning of the novel human G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) gene mapped on chromosome 9. , 1996, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

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[11]  I. Kanazawa,et al.  YAC and cosmid contigs encompassing the Fukuyama-type congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD) candidate region on 9q31. , 1997, Genomics.

[12]  M. Ridanpää,et al.  Chromosomal localization of the human diadenosine 5',5"'-P1,P4-tetraphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase (Ap4A hydrolase) gene (APAH1) to 9p13. , 1998, Genomics.

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[15]  O. Olopade,et al.  Scaffold-associated regions in the human type I interferon gene cluster on the short arm of chromosome 9. , 1998, Genomics.

[16]  S. Mundlos,et al.  Acromesomelic dysplasia Maroteaux type maps to human chromosome 9. , 1998, American journal of human genetics.

[17]  E. Bertini,et al.  Mutations of SURF-1 in Leigh disease associated with cytochrome c oxidase deficiency. , 1998, American journal of human genetics.

[18]  A. Goldstein,et al.  Characterization of a YAC contig containing the NBCCS locus and a novel Kruppel‐type zinc finger sequence on chromosome segment 9q22.3 , 1997, Genes, chromosomes & cancer.

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[20]  V. Sheffield,et al.  Construction of P1-derived artificial chromosome and yeast artificial chromosome contigs encompassing the DFNB7 and DFNB11 region of chromosome 9q13-21. , 1997, Genome research.

[21]  M. Seldin,et al.  Human/mouse homology relationships. , 1996, Genomics.

[22]  E. Dmitrovsky,et al.  Type I transforming growth factor beta receptor maps to 9q22 and exhibits a polymorphism and a rare variant within a polyalanine tract. , 1998, Cancer research.

[23]  C. S. Raymond,et al.  Evidence for evolutionary conservation of sex-determining genes , 1998, Nature.

[24]  D. Valle,et al.  Identification and characterization of the human ortholog of rat STXBP1, a protein implicated in vesicle trafficking and neurotransmitter release. , 1998, Genomics.

[25]  P. Zaphiropoulos,et al.  cDNA cloning of a novel WD repeat protein mapping to the 9q22.3 chromosomal region. , 1996, DNA and cell biology.

[26]  J. Milbrandt,et al.  Mechanism of Homophilic Binding Mediated by Ninjurin, a Novel Widely Expressed Adhesion Molecule* , 1997, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[27]  J. Mallet,et al.  Cotranscription and intergenic splicing of human galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase and interleukin-11 receptor alpha-chain genes generate a fusion mRNA in normal cells. Implication for the production of multidomain proteins during evolution. , 1998, The Journal of biological chemistry.

[28]  B. Crain,et al.  Linkage of the gene for an autosomal dominant form of juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to chromosome 9q34. , 1998, American journal of human genetics.

[29]  N. Risch,et al.  The early-onset torsion dystonia gene (DYT1) encodes an ATP-binding protein , 1997, Nature Genetics.

[30]  V. Sheffield,et al.  A Bedouin kindred with infantile nephronophthisis demonstrates linkage to chromosome 9 by homozygosity mapping. , 1998, American journal of human genetics.

[31]  V. Chatterjee,et al.  Mutation of the gene encoding human TTF-2 associated with thyroid agenesis, cleft palate and choanal atresia , 1998, Nature Genetics.

[32]  H. Heng,et al.  Mapping of the human HPRP3 and HPRP4 genes encoding U4/U6-associated splicing factors to chromosomes 1q21.1 and 9q31-q33. , 1998, Genomics.

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[34]  M. Ferguson-Smith,et al.  Mapping the multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma (MSSE) gene and investigation of xeroderma pigmentosum group A (XPA) and PATCHED (PTCH) as candidate genes , 1997, Human Genetics.

[35]  C. Collins,et al.  Physical mapping of the 5 Mb D9S196‐D9S180 interval harboring the basal cell nevus syndrome gene and localization of six genes in this region , 1997, Genes, chromosomes & cancer.

[36]  I. Kanazawa,et al.  An ancient retrotransposal insertion causes Fukuyama-type congenital muscular dystrophy , 1998, Nature.

[37]  M. Knowles,et al.  A novel candidate tumour suppressor locus at 9q32-33 in bladder cancer: localization of the candidate region within a single 840 kb YAC. , 1997, Human molecular genetics.

[38]  C. Marsden,et al.  Hereditary geniospasm: linkage to chromosome 9q13-q21 and evidence for genetic heterogeneity. , 1997, American journal of human genetics.

[39]  C. Greenberg,et al.  A gene for autosomal recessive limb-girdle muscular dystrophy in Manitoba Hutterites maps to chromosome region 9q31-q33: evidence for another limb-girdle muscular dystrophy locus. , 1998, American journal of human genetics.

[40]  R. Ekong,et al.  A 1.7-megabase sequence-ready cosmid contig covering the TSC1 candidate region in 9q34. , 1997, Genomics.

[41]  A. Schäffer,et al.  Fine mapping of the nail-patella syndrome locus at 9q34. , 1997, American journal of human genetics.

[42]  L. Stubbs,et al.  Zooming in on the human-mouse comparative map: genome conservation re-examined on a high-resolution scale. , 1997, Genome research.

[43]  Hong Wang,et al.  Human EZF, a Krüppel-like Zinc Finger Protein, Is Expressed in Vascular Endothelial Cells and Contains Transcriptional Activation and Repression Domains* , 1998, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

[44]  Y. Hirabayashi,et al.  Assignment of a UDP-glucose:ceramide glucosyltransferase gene (UGCG) to human chromosome band 9q31 by in situ hybridization. , 1997, Cytogenetics and cell genetics.

[45]  V. Ganapathy,et al.  Exon‐Intron Structure, Analysis of Promoter Region, and Chromosomal Localization of the Human Type 1 σ Receptor Gene , 1998, Journal of neurochemistry.

[46]  M. K. McCormick,et al.  Physical mapping of the nail patella syndrome interval at 9q34: ordering of STSs and ESTs , 1998, Human Genetics.

[47]  S. Povey,et al.  Comparative mapping of 50 human chromosome 9 loci in the laboratory mouse. , 1995, Genomics.

[48]  Mapping ESTs to the TSC1 candidate interval by use of the ‘Science 96’ transcript map , 1997, Annals of human genetics.

[49]  O. Olopade,et al.  Construction of a 2.8-megabase yeast artificial chromosome contig and cloning of the human methylthioadenosine phosphorylase gene from the tumor suppressor region on 9p21. , 1995, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[50]  S. Rust Assignment of Tangier disease to chromosome 9q31 by a graphical linkage exclusion strategy , 1998, Nature Genetics.

[51]  L. Peltonen,et al.  Assignment of the disease locus for lethal congenital contracture syndrome to a restricted region of chromosome 9q34, by genome scan using five affected individuals. , 1998, American journal of human genetics.

[52]  Xiaoren Tang,et al.  Assignment of the human gene for KBF2/RBP-Jk to chromosome 9p12-13 and 9q13 by fluorescence in situ hybridization , 1997, Japanese Journal of Human Genetics.

[53]  D. W. Johnson,et al.  Assignment of human transforming growth factor-beta type I and type III receptor genes (TGFBR1 and TGFBR3) to 9q33-q34 and 1p32-p33, respectively. , 1995, Genomics.

[54]  V. Sheffield,et al.  Familial hypomagnesemia maps to chromosome 9q, not to the X chromosome: genetic linkage mapping and analysis of a balanced translocation breakpoint. , 1997, Human molecular genetics.

[55]  A. Cooney,et al.  Cloning, expression analysis and chromosomal localization of the human nuclear receptor gene GCNF , 1998, FEBS letters.

[56]  M. Knowles,et al.  Structure and methylation-based silencing of a gene (DBCCR1) within a candidate bladder cancer tumor suppressor region at 9q32-q33. , 1999, Genomics.

[57]  I. Blair,et al.  A YAC-based transcript map of human chromosome 9q22.1-q22.3 encompassing the loci for hereditary sensory neuropathy type I and multiple self-healing squamous epithelioma. , 1998, Genomics.

[58]  R. Snell,et al.  Molecular genetic and phenotypic analysis reveals differences between TSC1 and TSC2 associated familial and sporadic tuberous sclerosis. , 1997, Human molecular genetics.

[59]  V. Sheffield,et al.  Identification and mutation analysis of a cochlear-expressed, zinc finger protein gene at the DFNB7/11 and dn hearing-loss loci on human chromosome 9q and mouse chromosome 19. , 1998, Gene.

[60]  Bing Zhou,et al.  hCTR1: a human gene for copper uptake identified by complementation in yeast. , 1997, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[61]  P. Söderkvist,et al.  Regional mapping of suppressor loci for anchorage independence and tumorigenicity on human chromosome 9. , 2001, Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.

[62]  I. Blair,et al.  Fine mapping of the hereditary sensory neuropathy type I locus on chromosome 9q22.1-->q22.3: exclusion of GAS1 and XPA. , 1997, Cytogenetics and cell genetics.