A TeraGrid MATLAB Cluster - Exploring New Services for an XD Future

TeraGrid Science Gateways such as nanoHUB are able to seamlessly run simulations over the network on the MATLAB on the TeraGrid The increasing pervasiveness of distributed and parallel computing in a wide variety of fields has resulted in the need for computational power The client is composed of a set of MATLAB functions callable by the user that integrate with the PCT through the generic scheduler experimental resource. that scales seamlessly from the desktop to national resources without the steep learning curve required of traditional parallel programming t h i P d ti it i th HPC it i ft d b th f i f th ll li ti f d I t d interface and a Java component which handles the actual communication with MyProxy servers, GridFTP servers, and the Microsoft HPC Server 2008 Basic Profile service The MATLAB platform allows native calls to Java objects which makes the MATLAB functions little ec n ques. ro uc v y n e commun y s o en measure y e per ormance ga ns seen rom e para e za on o co e. ns ea , we propose that productivity can be measured by improved ease of access and utility We have implemented a system that allows a researcher to . , more than argument preparation for the Java component. We chose to use Apache CXF for web service operations and JGlobus for core NanoNET is a tool to simulate the Nanobundle Network Thin Film Transistors (NB-TFTs). Random networks of carbon nanotubes with h d f b d d i i b i l d i hi l Th fi l b l f l d i h f l i h . scale from their desktop to a remote system transparently and with little knowledge of parallel computing. The Cornell team has deployed an MyProxy and GridFTP operations. This base functionality was then wrapped to provide for runtime-configurable transport mechanisms to t ousan s o tu es an ran om or entat on can e s mu ate us ng t s too . e na answer can e compact y ormu ate n t e ormu a n t e images below Here ID is current and LC and LS is channel length and tube length of the transistor and m is the current exponent For a normal experimental TeraGrid resource running MATLAB as an on demand computing utility. The broad usage of MATLAB in a wide spectrum of d i i k i id l li i f hi i i i l i h A A i ib d C i S i hi allow connection reuse as well as advanced features like managing a connection pool, asynchronous transfers across the pool, reliable ti t f i d d i l ti f E t d d M d f t lik ll li f ti l b . . Si MOSFET, m = 1 and the current is simply inversely proportional to channel length. But for these nanotube networks, m > 1 is also possible. aca em c env ronments ma es t an ea app cat on or t s n t a exper ment. T e M TL B D str ute omput ng erver runn ng on t s resource provides parallel and distributed computational services to interactive desktop users and Science Gateways We have developed a connec ons, prerans er compress on, an ynam c se ec on o x en e o e ea ures e para e sm or connec on poo mem ers. Web service operations are secured via 2-way SSL and also allow WS-Security mechanisms for client authentication Indeed, m = 1 for very high density networks but the value of m increases with decreasing tube density of the network. This abnormal behavior . client library that provides a safe and efficient means to ship computation from a user’s workstation to our servers, where the computation can . can be simply understood as follows: When the density of tubes is very high, most of the tubes take part in conduction and the current simply d bl h l i th h l l th B t f l d it t k th i l d f l f t b th t t t ki t i be run in a distributed or parallel style. ou es on a v ng e c anne eng . u or a ower ens y ne wor , ere are some s an s o poo s o nano u es a are no a ng par n the conduction which start to connect as channel length is reduced So not only the average path length reduces but the number of paths also