Searching for optimal coalition structures

Coalition formation has been a very active area of research in multiagent systems. Most of this research has concentrated on decentralized procedures that allow self-interested agents to negotiate the formation of coalitions and division of coalition payoffs. A different line of research has addressed the problem of finding the optimal division of agents into coalitions such that the sum total of the the payoffs to all the coalitions is maximized (Larson and Sandholm, 1999). This is the optimal coalition structure identification problem. Deterministic search algorithms have been proposed and evaluated under the assumption that the performance of a coalition is independent of other coalitions. We use an order-based genetic algorithm (OBGA) as a stochastic search process to identify the optimal coalition structure. We compare the performance of the OBGA with a representative deterministic algorithm presented in the literature. Though the OBGA has no performance guarantees, it is found to dominate the deterministic algorithm in a significant number of problem settings. An additional advantage of the OBGA is its scalability to larger problem sizes and to problems where performance of a coalition depends on other coalitions in the environment.