Chip-package codesign of integrated voltage-controlled oscillator in LCP substrate

This paper presents the design and characterization of a negative resistance type 1.9-GHz oscillator using high quality factor (Q) embedded lumped-element LC passives in an organic-based substrate with liquid crystalline polymer (LCP) dielectric material. A design strategy using analytical models is implemented to determine the value of the base inductance subject to the constraints set by power dissipation. Additionally, the effect of component Qs on the phase noise is qualitatively discussed. This paper also addresses the effects of the parasitics of the surface-mount active devices on the noise spectrum of a negative resistance type voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). The designed VCO is fully embedded in the LCP substrate and uses high Q on-package passive components. The VCO was measured to operate at 1.92 GHz dissipating 14 mW of dc power and measured a phase noise of -118dBc/Hz and -133 dBc/Hz at 600 KHz and 3-MHz offset, respectively. The high Q of the LC tank circuit was utilized to optimize the VCO to operate from a 2-V supply at bias current of 0.9 mA. Finally, the design and implementation issues in a 2.25-GHz Colpitt's oscillator on LCP substrate are shown. The effects of scaling capacitance ratio on VCO phase noise and on power consumption are verified for the Colpitt's oscillator

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