Bug Report Networks: Varieties, Strategies, and Impacts in a F/OSS Development Community

Our empirical research has shown that a predominant structural feature of defect tracking repositories is the evolving "bug report network" (BRN). Community members create BRNs by progressively asserting various formal and informal relationships between bug reports (BRs). In one F/OSS bug repository under study, participants assert two formal relationships (duplications and dependencies) and various informal relationships (like "see also" references). BRNs can be interpreted as (1) information ordering strategies that support collocation of related BRs, decreasing cognitive and organizational effort; (2) sense-making strategies wherein BRNs provide more refined representations of software and workorganization issues; (3) social ordering strategies that rearrange collective relationships among community members. This paper presents findings from an investigation of the nature, extent, and impact of BRNs in one large F/OSS development community. We investigate whether and how specific classes of BRNs influence problem management within the community, and identify several new research questions.