Rapid Assessment Procedures for Nutrition and Primary Health Care: Anthropological Approaches to Improving Programme Effectiveness

The Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP) were developed for the United National University Research Program during a workshop to improve understanding of the problems related to implementing the recommendations of the Alma-Ata Conference which included primary health care strategies. The RAP guidelines provide rapid assessment of behavior patterns involved in maintaining health and overcoming illness including the use of traditional and modern health services. This guide provides general topics for data collection on health-seeking behaviors; data collection guides are presented for each topic including sample questions outlines checklists and grids. This guide should be used by those persons already trained in anthropology or other related fields because the guidelines are very general and the RAP approach focuses on specific topics such a health care providers peoples beliefs and perceptions regarding health and the prevention and treatment of illness. The book includes 6 chapters: 1) practical anthropology for health programs ; 2) anthropological methods; 3) focus groups; 4) selection training and supervision of field workers; 5) data analysis and 6) final report. Appendix 1 includes data collection guides for the community the household and primary health care providers. Appendix 2 is a list of the participants attending the workshop. (Authors modified).