A mandibular impression technique for displaceable tissue

Abstract An analysis of the finished impression is made to see if the four fundamental requirements of an acceptable impression have been met. 1.1. Areal Coverage.—All the denture-bearing area possible within the limits of tissue tolerance has been covered, not the residual ridge alone, but the most important aeras of the buccal shelf and retromolar pad as well. 2.2. Periphery.—A compound peripheral border has been meticulously established, section by section, within the limits of tissue tolerance. 3.3. Valve Seal Without Interference With Functional Movements.—By establishing a periphery which harmonizes with the anatomic and physiologic landmarks surrounding the denture, provision has been made not only for valve seal, but also for maximum lateral stability. 4.4. Accurate Adaptation to the Tissues Without Injurious Displacement.—A carefully muscle-trimmed periphery insures contact with, but nonimpingement on the border tissues. A final wash material, as soft as, or softer than, the tissues being registered, provides for accurate adaptation without injurious displacement and for equitable distribution of stress. This, plus the fact that a cast metal base is used, further insures that the soft tissues will be more accurately reproduced in the finished denture, with better tissue and denture base adaptation resulting.